+91 33 2284 4353 / 63 esko@eskocast.com

HPDC &Melt Shop

Aluminium Casting

The HPDC lines and the Melt shop are laid out in tandem to ensure smooth movement of liquid metal to the production machines. The product Aluminium Casting is then sent for further processing.

The HPDC lines are high production volume lines and also cater to heavier and intricate castings. The medium range of castings are also processed. The well laid out manufacturing facility allows for ease of processing and movement of castings. The machines are from the leading manufacturers like IDRA, LK, Yizumi and Toyo.

The casting weight varies from a few grams to a few KGs where the LED light housings can weigh more than five Kilograms. The HPDC process is a mix of manual, semi-automated and fully automatic operations.

All the new machines have come with the auto ladle and auto spray mechanism. Going forward the company has plans for deploying auto-extractors and online trimming and gate-cutting machines.

Transfer Laddle Filling
Melting Furnaces for Aluminium Casting Production

Tower melting furnaces

The large tower type melting furnaces are from leading furnace manufacturers like Furnteck India and ZPF Germany. The burners and blowers on these furnaces are from Kromschroeder and Wesman. The controls are automated to ensure the energy is optimally utilised. All the furnaces are gas fired and are fitted with suitable gas trains. No liquid fuel is used in the entire shop of Esko Casting and Electronics Pvt Ltd. making it an environmentally friendly facility.

  • Efficient
  • Easy to operate
  • Tilting mechanism
  • Quick melting

Degassing process

The melt quality is controlled with the help of a Foseco fixed degassing unit and Density Index machine. The melt quality plays an important role in the intricate castings and the machinability. The gas inclusions and entrapments are removed leading to denser and low porosity castings much to the satisfaction of the customer. The samples of the melt before and after degassing are generated in the melt shop and checked for density improvement in the Lab DI unit.

Degassing Process

HPDC and Melt shop

The melting shop makes use of the green and clean fuel in the form of Piped Natural Gas (PNG) to keep its committment towards limiting the carbon footprint and keep the environmental pollution within limits.

Melting Furnace Area

Melting Shop

Pouring the melt

Aluminium Casting MF

Melting Furnace 1.5 T/Hour

Aluminium Casting Plant over view